Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Lets start with the basics...
My Name is Emily Robinson.
I am...
* A once fearful student of math, now trying to master it to help other fearful students feel confident in Mathematics.
* A Student at Mesa Community College, going to transfer to ASU next year.
*An aspiring first, second, or third grade teacher.  (Haven't decided yet!)
*an optimist, and love doing things that make myself and others happy.

* I hope you learn a little something about Geometry from the blog :o)

Just for giggles...

More Blogs to use as a resource and that I enjoyed :)




Helpful websites-

Games! To learn more about Geometry, and to most importantly have fun. 



Videos! (Educational and Entertaining, so a must see:) ) 

Finding the sum of the interior angles of a regular n-gon...

(n-2)180 degrees.

So lets apply this! 

Say you have a decagon...

Decagon has 10 sides, so lets plug that into the formula for "n."


10-2= 8

180 times 8= 1440.

So to find each interior angle you...

1440/ 10= 144 degrees. 

We can conclude each interior angle is 144 degrees. 
Did you know...

That we can determine if a triangle is possible from having the degree of two different angles? 

Lets try it!


We have an angle that is 30 degrees, and an angle that is 50 degrees...

50+30= 80 degrees is the sum of those two angles, that is less than 180 so that means it can make another angle to form a triangle. 

Now we have to subtract the sum from 180 degrees to find that third angle! 

180-80= 100 degrees, so this is the third angle. 


Know your angles because they are unique just like you!!!

Straight angle- exactly 180 degrees. 

Obtuse angle- greater than 90 degrees BUT less than 180 degrees. 

Acute Angle- less than 90 degrees, awe isn't it cute??

Right Angle- exactly 90 degrees. Never less, never more!!

So what is Geometry anyway?

Geometry is the study of the relations of points, lines, surfaces, solids, and higher dimensional analogs.

Key terms to know: 
Line- no thickness, and extends forever in two directions and determined by two unique points.

Collinear points- Points on the same line. 

Line Segment- subset of a line, containing two points of the line and all the points between those two points. 

Ray- subset of a line. 

Intersecting lines- lines with exactly one point in common. 

Parallel lines- coplanar that have no points in common.

Angles- formed by two rays with the same end points.

Vertex- common endpoint of two rays that form an angle. 

Adjacent angles- angles that share a common side and vertex, but without overlapping interiors.

Polygon- a simple closed curve with sides that are line segments. 

Triangles- a shape that ALWAYS adds up to 180 degrees.

Quadrilateral- a shape that its angles ALWAYS add up to 360 degrees.